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The Girls’ Ministries class meets the last Sunday night of each month at 6:00 pm.

Rainbows Club

Preschool children ages 3 and up

Noah’s Ark provides an exciting theme for the Bible stories, crafts, full-color activity pages, and games for this preschool club. Rainbows add colorful animal badges to their vests as they complete requirements for the achievement program. Units can be completed in 4 weeks. Only nine units need to be completed each year.




As a Rainbow, I will be a good helper, pleasing Jesus every day.


Rainbows are helpers.


We are... helpers.
(2 Corinthians 1:24 KJV)


Green and white, which stand for growth and purity.


Daisies Club

For kindergarten girls

Darcy, Diana, and Dorie (paper dolls) help Daisies make life applications from the Bible stories and principles they learn. Daisies earn colorful badges depicting these club characters as they complete requirements for the achievement program. Four-week units allow visitors to fit in right away. Club sponsors and girls select the nine units they want to complete during the year.




As a Daisy I will be happy, good, and helpful, letting my light shine for Jesus.


Daisies tell about Jesus.


Let your light... shine.
(Matthew 5:16 NIV)


Yellow and white, which stand for light and purity.

Stars Club


For third grade - fifth grad

Girls make their way up the Stairway of the Stars achievement program as they complete units in the four worlds: The World of Truth (basic Christian doctrine), The World Around You (missions), The World About You (activities), and The World Within You (character development). Memorization, projects, and Bible reading are all a part of completing the achievement program as an Honor Star. Four-week units are supplemented with projects and Adventures.





Having accepted Jesus as my Savior, I will follow Him in service, in testimony, in attitude, and in relationships; striving always to glorify my Lord as a Star.


I will follow Jesus.


Teach me Your way, O Lord, and I will walk in Your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your name. I will praise You... with all my heart; I will glorify Your name forever.
(Psalm 86:11-12 NIV)


Blue and white, which stand for loyalty and purity.



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